Saturday, August 31, 2019

Trojan Ad

Magazine advertisements spend millions of dollars each year in order to develop ideas to convey their message or to sell their products in today’s society. The many different views and values in society lead to various marketing ideas that capture the attention of many individuals, otherwise known as, the consumers. It is important to remember that the diverse preferences of the audience are taken into consideration when devising a marketing plan that would appeal to a wide range of people. Trojan, a company that focuses on the sale of contraceptives, spends millions of dollars each year to sell their products.In their most current advertising campaign, Trojan is trying to sell their newest brand of condom, Evolve. For this particular campaign, the marketing individuals promoting this product decided to show the differences between men and pigs by implying that men who use Trojan are considered to be true gentlemen while men who do not are regarded as pigs. While it seems that Trojan is suggesting the message of cleanliness by the usage of their condom, nonetheless, they themselves are not â€Å"clean† because of the message that they are conveying.The message behind the Evolve advertisement is to show the perceptions of men when they use or do not use Trojan brand condoms. The message behind this advertisement is to show that if a male uses their brand name condoms, he is considered as a â€Å"clean† and respectable individual, unlike a pig, which is usually associated with â€Å"dirtiness†. The different characters in this campaign reveal the hidden meaning that the use of Trojan brand condoms would not damage or ruin a man’s reputation of being â€Å"honorable†. The setting of the advertisement is placed at a beach, with a rather warm weather; therefore attracting people to its warmness.The attendance of the beach consists of six females, one male, and ten pigs. The females, who are all wearing revealing bathing suit s, are each being prowled by pigs. In the foreground, a female is sitting on a folding chair reading a book entitled, No Time for Swine, whilst on her right side there is a naked pig which seems to be whispering something into her right ear. Also in the foreground, there is a female trying to get a natural tan by lying on a towel on the sand, as a naked pig is taking a photograph of her with his cellular phone.Behind her is another female who is preparing to serve a volleyball, and at the same time being watched by two naked pigs. On the left middle ground of the advertisement is another female and a naked pig squirting sunscreen onto her back. In the background, a naked pig is pursuing after a female in the water. There are several other naked pigs floating and surfing in the water. One other pig is sitting under an umbrella and spying on the females with a pair of binoculars. The expressions on each of the irritated and disgusted faces of the females show that the male pigs are no t welcomed.Finally, in the center of the image, there is a couple, a man and a woman, holding hands and walking on the sand. Their backs are facing toward the audience. The major difference between this couple and all the others is because of the female and male relationship. Below the image are the words: â€Å"Evolve. Use the most trusted name in condoms every time. † followed by the logo name, Trojan ® Brand Condoms. With this representation of their product, what first comes to mind? Most importantly, what is the precise message that Trojan is aiming at the audience with their advertisement?Trojan is portraying society and media in all stereotypes. As will be mentioned, Trojan is revealing the idea and image of a â€Å"perfect† body type. Their view of a perfect and beautiful person is portrayed in their advertisement as tall and skinny. Trojan portrays their consumers as only beautiful, when in fact today’s society consists of all shapes and body sizes. T rojan is promoting the idea that â€Å"sex sells†, by exploiting the women as objects of sexual behaviors, and promoting the idea of sex itself. They assume that their consumers all engage in sexual behaviors and therefore are required to purchase their product.They also assume that once you use their product, the male will gain the trust of the female. However, numerous interpretations can be drawn from this description of their advertisement. Is Trojan aiming to promote the usage of their condom, Evolve? Or are they exploiting women by means of their representation in the advertisement? Are men really â€Å"evolved† after the usage of their product? Each of these questions can be answered with multiple analyses. First of all, the advertisement portrays men as pigs if they do not use Trojan condoms.This can be seen by the representation of only one male versus the ten pigs in the whole of the image. The connotation of the word â€Å"pig† suggests that they are dirty, fat, lazy, perverted, and irresponsible. This is contradictory of the view of â€Å"man†, whom in this advertisement, is portrayed as clean, handsome, masculine, sociable, and responsible. Compared to the pigs, the man is welcomed and accepted by the female. The pleasant and content face of the female suggests that she is comfortable with holding hands with the male and welcomes his presence.The other females in this campaign have a miserable facial expression because they have a â€Å"dirty†, perverted pig prowling next to them and invading their personal space. The word â€Å"swine† from the title of the book, No Time for Swine, refers to stout and short-legged animals such as pigs. The title suggests that the female is not interested in committing her time to that type of person. She is more willing to spend her time with a real man, such as the one on the cover of the book. However, it is instinctual for the viewer to compare and contrast man and pig at first glance.What if the man in the advertisement encompasses the same intentions as the pig? Is it possible to detach the idea of a dirty sexual being to a separate and thoughtful individual? Another observation that can be made about this campaign is the manner in which the marketing individuals represent the women. The purpose of the women is to exploit them for the intention of the objectification of the product. Each female is wearing a revealing bathing suit in order to be used as an object to absorb the viewers in.The woman who is trying to get a tan is in a position that is similar to when one is preparing for sexual intercourse which gives the image of tenderness and readiness. Also, the female seems to be pulling on the knot of her bikini bottom, which gives the impression that she is ready to take them off. The woman who is being squirted with lotion by another pig also gives the impression of a sexual act, such as ejaculation. The facial expression that is being displ ayed on her face tells us that what the pig is doing is considered as revolting and unwanted.This represents a male who has discharged on a female when he did not use a condom; therefore the male is unable to protect her and is considered to be a pig instead of a man. The women epitomize the idea of safe sex. From previous observations, the women are discontent with the beings around them. The females do not trust the pigs because the pigs are not â€Å"safe†. In this case, not being safe means not using their condom. This brings in the question of the trustfulness of man and the product itself. A man who chooses to use a condom shows that he can be trusted and is believed to be responsible.The words that appear on this advertisement: â€Å"Evolve. Use the most trusted name in condoms every time. † is declaring a statement that if an individual uses condom, Evolve by Trojan, then he will be â€Å"evolved† from a pig to a man and is â€Å"trusted†. This in fers that if you use the trusted name brand of condoms then women would be willing to entrust them with themselves. The thought that they will be safe and unharmed from any type of sexually transmitted diseases makes the woman feel protected. However, the representation of the advertisement comes into question.If their product is â€Å"most trusted†, what is the validity in their product when they portray women and men in such a manner? As it can be seen in the advertisement, the women and man portrayed here are all considered to be beautiful, according to today’s standards. All of the females and male have approximately the same body shape and type, tall and skinny. Although the initial impression of the advertisement asserts the idea of becoming a beautiful being, Trojan also seems to be only marketing to a certain type of people. This conveys a message to the viewers that only people who are beautiful are allowed to use this product.Men, who are stout-like and short , as conveyed through the pigs, are not considered as real men who do use condoms. Consequently, this advertisement exposes the idea of body image: only beautiful people use the Trojan condoms. If Trojan portrays man as an animal, then it shows the implication that Trojan themselves have not yet â€Å"evolved† from their ideas. If they are able to come up with ideas such as these to convey to the audience, it shows that they have not yet evolved from being a â€Å"thoughtless seller† to a more evolved â€Å"inventor† to capture the attention of their consumers.Their idea of marketing to the audience is by using the theme of â€Å"sex sells†. If we are able to transform from such implications and move on to new ideas that better portrays society, then we are able to evolve into a new level. Every day, many industries are trying to develop new ideas to convey their messages or to sell their products to the consumers in the market. Some of these advertisemen ts are sold to numerous magazines and television stations. Whoever the viewers may be, they all range from different ages, cultures, and body types.In order for a company to be considered as â€Å"evolved†, such as understanding their own view and also the consumer’s view, they first have to discover their reasons as to why and whom they are portraying their message to. They have to first realize that their promotion will not be judged on a first look, but also pertaining to its hidden significance. If they claim their product is a certain way, such as Trojan has claimed, then they should be responsible to uphold their reputation as a well as to how they have portrayed their advertisement as a whole.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Emergent Literacy

Addressing Emergent Literacy Skills in English-Language Learners Children who are learning English as a second language and live in homes where languages other than English are spoken are known as English-language learners (ELLs). Therefore, it is imperative that preschool personnel be trained to support the emergent literacy skills that prepare preschoolers to enter kindergarten ready to learn to read (Garcia & Gonzalez, 2006). Emergent literacy skills are believed to develop during preschool years for most children, when they are in the process of becoming literate.The National Early Literacy Panel (2004) identified alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, writing/writing name, oral language skills, and concepts about print in preschool children as predictors of later reading and writing success in elementary school children. To achieve success, ELLs must be in environments in which – †¢ The first language and literacy are not only valued, but enriched in a planned a nd systematic manner. †¢ Instruction in English as a second language (ESL) is targeted to the child's English-language developmental level while also being challenging. Teachers are knowledgeable about the normal processes of ESL development and literacy development in bilinguals. †¢ The program has a strong home-school connection that provides parent training and views parents as resources. Emergent Literacy Skills are organized into four domains: Print-Knowledge Print knowledge refers to a child's growing understanding of the relationship between the form and purpose of print (e. g. , Adams, 1990; Print knowledge has been associated with reading ability in English as a second language in ELLs (Klingner, Artiles, & Barletta, 2006).Exposure to different print in different languages helps the child connect writing to his or her native language and culture and also raises the awareness of the symbolic and arbitrary nature of written language. Phonological-Awareness Phonologi cal awareness is the understanding that oral language can be broken up into individual words, words into syllables, and syllables into individual sounds, or phonemes (Bradley & Bryant, 1983.ELLs with strong phonological awareness skills in English demonstrated a higher potential for reading achievement in later years (e. g. , Genesee, et al. , 2005). Writing Emergent Writing is considered a child’s first experience with writing. Children’s early experiences in experimenting with different forms of writing support later reading and writing success. Oral-Language Oral language provides the building blocks for literacy.Children who do not develop these core language skills lack some of the most fundamental skills essential for reading (Catts, Fey, Zhang, & Tomblin, 1999; They must develop these skills in a language they do not speak while still acquiring emergent literacy skills and oral language skills in their native language. Therefore, one of the most critical emergen t literacy skills for ELLs to develop is oral language in the native and second languages. Strong native language skills predict oral language, reading, and writing skills in the second language (e. g. , August, Carlo, Dressler, & Snow, 2005; Carlo et al. 2004). Strategies for Improvement Improving emergent literacy in preschool ELLs requires the use of planned instruction or activities that address the prerequisite skills in the two languages, develop strong oral language skills, and connect home with school. Inclusion of bilingual print awareness and writing activities in preschool also will allow ELLs to develop skills in both languages and to increase awareness of different writing systems. ELLs also need to build language proficiency in order to connect phonemic awareness, writing, and letter knowledge to language that they understand.Oral Language Skills To improve oral-language skills and facilitate emergent literacy skill development, ELLs need to build vocabulary, oral lang uage comprehension, and production. This context presents a problem for ELLs because they often do not continue to develop their native language unless those skills are stimulated in their home environment and used for instruction in school (Barnett, Yarosz, Thomas, Jung, & Blanco, 2007). ELLs entering preschool require language-rich environments that focus on overall language development.If the school focuses on English acquisition of colors and shapes, the child is missing critical development of literate language like stories and vocabulary in the native language and may not have strong foundations for second language acquisition. To build vocabulary skills, explicit and implicit instruction is necessary (Schwanenflugel et al. , 2004). Books build not only vocabulary but also text structure knowledge and background that prepare children for academic success. Dialogic reading can also be used to help ELLs build abstract language, especially in the native language, and to acquire t he second language.It is important to provide parents with training to help them understand the role of native language in overall academic, language, and literacy development, for cultural identity, and in English acquisition. Building language and emergent literacy in ELLs requires a planned and systematic approach to address the native and second languages and to provide parents with needed resources and support. Systematic and planned bilingual language and literacy instruction promotes growth in the two languages and does not impede or slow English-language acquisition.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Obesity †Nutrition Essay

Fast food is something that every American knows about. Most likely you, the person reading this has had fast food before, and probably enjoyed it. Whether it may be Mcdonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, Jack in the Box, KFC, etc. There is nothing as cheap, quick to get, and tasty as fast food. With the ever-growing population of obese Americans, people are looking for a reason and for most that reason is fast food. Now according to the CDC (centers for disease control) the definition of overweight is having a BMI (body mass index) of 25-29. 9 and the BMI for an obese person is 30 or higher. Could it be that fast food is causing 78 million Americans 20 years or older to be obese, or that 17% of all children and teens in the US are over weight because of it? I think not. Sure, fast food may not be the healthiest choice for you, but seriously, no one is forcing you to eat that cheeseburger and no one is forcing you to drink that soda. You see fast food is not the problem, the decision making of the obese American population is. Now just so we’re clear I have nothing against obese people and there is a big difference between a little chunky, which is okay and obese. Now just so your aware of the obesity problem here in America, here’s some cold hard facts about obesity. Here in the US more than 35% of adults are considered obese, that’s more than 78 million people across the country that are obese. Seventeen percent of children and young adults are obese, which is triple the rate of a generation ago. Studies have shown that obesity gives you a greater chance of getting type2 diabetes and even cancer. If you are wondering why there are so many obese people in America today just ask your self a few simple questions. Would you rather go for a nice evening jog or stay home and watch your favorite TV show? Would you rather eat a salad or something not as healthy like a burger or pizza? And finally would you rather go to the gym or hang out with friends? If I had to guess I’d say most of you would rather hang out with friends, eat junk food, and watch your favorite TV show. You see most people have the time to work out and eat right they just choose not to and just like every choice made in life it comes with it’s benefits and consequences. You don’t have to pay for a gym member ship just walk up some steps or play catch with your kids or take a walk at the park, anything is obviously better than nothing. Now researchers will argue against my claims, and that’s understandable. They’ll mention that 33 percent of children and adolescents in the U. S. consume fast food on a typical day; they’ll also state that on average adolescents will visit a fast food restaurant twice a week. Well all I have to say to that is whose fault is that? How are these kids buying the fast food? With their parent’s money of course. Why can’t the parents make them something healthy and control what there kids eat instead of giving them money to eat fast food? It’s the parent’s fault that the kids are eating fast food so often. Fast food isn’t going to make you obese unless you eat it most of the time. If you eat it occasionally but you also eat your fruits and vegetables you’ll be fine. It is crazy to know that in the U. S. 49% of money spent on food is spent away from home. Which means people are choosing to buy food from restaurants and other places rather than go to the grocery store and cook at home. That percentage is always increasing due to the fact that people now a days are looking for more convenient ways of getting there food. If your wondering just how much money is being spent on quick service restaurants, in 2011 quick service restaurants were expected to gain 168 billion dollars, 3% more than 2010. If people would just spend half the amount of money that they usually spend on fast food and cook a nice healthy meal instead there would be no problem with fast food. Once again the decisions of the American people are to blame. Hit the gym and help yourself get slim. Studies have shown that physical activity plays a big role in loosing weight but of course you knew that, its common sense. But what many people don’t know is that according to the CDC (center for disease control) fewer than 2 out of 10 Americans and less than 30 percent of adults get the recommended level of exercise. Also that more than 25% of U. S. adults do not devote any time to physical activity, the worst states being Louisiana, Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. It is very intriguing that correlations have shown that those states with the least amount of exercise have the most health problems. Type2 diabetes is mostly triggered by obesity, and in 1980 5. 5 million adults had it; now approximately 25. 6 million adults have type2 diabetes. The ever so increasing percentage of obesity and decreasing percentage in physical activity is definitely to blame. An interesting fact is that by loosing weight and getting from overweight to normal you can save on average $1400 a year on medication. If you don’t have time to hit the gym, there are a few tips that can help you get fit. First don’t drink soda; on average if you drink a soda can a day you’ll gain 15 pounds in a year, that is if you don’t work out of course. Take the stairs or walk around the block, a few extra steps could be the difference in burning some extra calories, and finally anything is better than nothing, curl some soup cans or do some crunches while watching TV. Any of those things can help you with your obesity, then you wont have to blame it on fast food. Fast food companies are now making a bigger push to serve healthier items in their stores, but it is up to the customers to get them otherwise it is all for nothing. McDonalds is taking the biggest step with there new items like the all fruit smoothies, apple slices, salads, and there brochures that show you there below 400,300,200, and 100 calorie items. Jack in the box is jumping on board as well with their 3 choices of salads, and serving grilled chicken instead of fried in there sandwiches. These fast food chains are realizing that healthy is the new way to go but yet the majority of people in America aren’t. We need to watch what we eat, eat healthier brown rice or bread instead of white, more fruits and veggies and less burgers, next time you go to mcdonalds get a salad instead of a Big Mac it might change your life. In conclusion the fast food industry is not to blame for Obesity in the United States of America. They’re taking steps in the right direction and the people of America should too. We need to start exercising more and getting active because that is the true reason for the increasing obesity. Make better decisions in your life style, choose a healthy one and like I said get a salad next time you go to McDonalds. – http://www. getamericafit. org/statistics-obesity-in-america. html – http://www. huffingtonpost. com/2012/08/14/obesity-rate-by-state_n_1774356. html.

How Industrialization is Evaluated in Relation to the Industrial Assignment

How Industrialization is Evaluated in Relation to the Industrial Worker - Assignment Example Elizabeth Poole Sanford the middle class women were also affected by industrialization. The wealth and position of this women rose in a changing economic environment. An excerpt from Woman in Her Social and Domestic Character (1842), written by Mrs. John Sanford can draw arguments on how industrialization should be evaluated from a woman’s perspective. The excerpt considers the woman’s ideal function in relation to her husband. The debate in this case can revolve around the superstition that men have towards women and work, the role of a husband in relation to his wife. With industrialization and women trying to work would mean that she would become independent which was not the case before industrialization. In the excerpt â€Å"a really sensible woman feels her dependence, she does what she can; but she is conscious of inferiority and therefore grateful for support†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The debate would therefore be narrowed down to the power of woman in the arena of industri alization. Ch. 23, Q.2Conservatism and liberalism was characterized by the many political developments that occurred during the period when there was numerous eruption of revolution in Europe. Romanticism was the most important of these reflecting in different ways, both conservatism and liberalism. . Romanticism rejected the formalism of the previously dominant classical style and it didn’t limit itself to the enlightenment rationalism or the stark realism of everyday life, and emphasized emotion and freedom.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Identify the key characteristics of Transaction Cost Economics Essay

Identify the key characteristics of Transaction Cost Economics - Essay Example The transaction costs can be further grouped into coordination along with motivation costs. The motivation costs are said to be comprising of opportunism along with the agency costs. The costs involved in coordination include the costs of searching, coordination of inputs along with the costs of measurement. In the real world, the transaction costs extension across multiple monetary exchanges can be achieved. To achieve these exchanges, some forms of governance frameworks are needed since they will be vital in determining the integrity’s of various transactions (McNutt, 2005). This can be accomplished adequately by using the formal along with informal frameworks to ensure that transactions are carried out in monetary manners. The notion of transaction cost economics stipulates that the other alternative forms of structures that can be utilized for organizing the economic activities are markets along with hierarchies. The concept of TCE additionally suggests that companies requ ire aligning the governance frameworks with their transactional traits. The concept of TCE disagrees with the issue of people making decisions concerning the usage of government frameworks that will maximize the costs associated with transactions. The criterion that is most basically used in organizing the transaction costs involves economizing the total costs involved in their expenses and transactions. Markets whose total costs are high can appropriately use governance frameworks such as hierarchies (Basenko, Dravone, Shanley & Schaefer, 2009). The distinct traits of transactions have been argued to be the specifying of assets, uncertainty and the frequency of the transactions occurring. The trait known as asset specificity means the degree to which investments made on transactions are special to a particular transaction. In case a transaction flops, then the investments will be deemed as below value when utilized in another way. A circumstance of this nature can easily lead to th e establishment of dependencies between the sellers along with buyers of a particular product (McNutt, 2005). This is because the buyers are tied up to the seller and cannot purchase from other sellers in the market. A partner in a transaction who only invests through specialized possessions will be more vulnerable to encounter opportunism. They will be required to carry out specialized efforts aimed at protecting their investments through the implementation, monitoring and enforcement of contractual controls (Basenko, Dravone, Shanley & Schaefer, 2009). An appropriate method of safeguarding against such problems is to apply the policies of vertical amalgamation/integration. This means that a company will have to indulge in the production of goods and services rather than purchase the already manufactured goods in the market. High levels of asset specificity imply that a company has to indulge in internally organizing their production rather than indulge in governing their markets ( Basenko, Dravone, Shanley & Schaefer, 2009). The other trait of a transaction that is known as uncertainty mainly implies that the company will or may face situations which are currently unknown. These conditions could result from different sources such as their environment and behaviors. Uncertainty that comes from the environment refers to the difficulties encountered in

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Global Corporations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global Corporations - Essay Example As entities, with a legal personality, similar to those granted to individuals, global corporations have rights that serve as protection under the law, but with a difference - unlike, individuals, they have virtually perpetual life span and with potential to own unlimited amount of money and resources. Thus, in the modern era, global corporations have been the force to reckon with its influence, not only the political and economic spheres but in the cultural and lifestyle aspirations of people across the planet. Indirectly, because of their clout, global corporations have influenced governments, especially developing nations to pursue policies that favor free markets and consumerism, which has resulted to the decline of services in the public sector. Export policies are encouraged, so that people who produce expensive goods at the expense of their cheap labor will never attain the buying power to afford these goods. On the other had, the local markets are flooded with cheap imports, especially food, that virtually kill local industries. In effect people, are constrained to think that it is better and wise to buy imported goods which are cheaper over locally produced ones, even if the imported goods do not pass stringent tests on quality and safety. In many countries, retail trade liberalization has paved the way for the entry of retail giants such as Wal-Mart and Carrefour to the detriment of small, homegrown retail stores. Moreover, tobacco multinationals such as Philip Morris have increasingly established presence in developing countries with little or no anti-tobacco laws, moving away from Western countries whose health lobbies have banned advertising on tobacco. In many developing countries, people are bombarded still with the cool image of Caucasians smoking on television long banned in Western countries, encouragi ng many young people to think that smoking is fun. Behind the march of free trade as espoused by global corporations, lies the competitive ethos which makes countries and individuals think and act alike as if what matters is that one should concentrate on a particular skill or advantage to be able to compete - similar to how companies operate to gain market share from their rivals. So if the current global marketplace, favors outsourcing, nations must drop other traditional industries and race to compete to gain a slice of the offshoring phenomenon. Similarly, when IT skills were the ones needed, individuals lost no time to get college degrees in computers in favor of other vocations, which are not as in demand in the marketplace. In both cases, the value is placed on the prospect of high income or money - both for the country and the individual. Because of their spread around the world, and their role in the transformation of labor markets, global corporations have influenced people to think that it is the pinnacle of an individual's career to work for a multinational. This has led people to work and relocate abroad, away from their own countries, or communities. Family, and other outside concerns are

Monday, August 26, 2019

Selective Abortion Of Female Fetuses In India Creating Gender Essay

Selective Abortion Of Female Fetuses In India Creating Gender Imbalance Crisis - Essay Example Indian activists estimate that as many as 8 million unborn females were aborted over the past decade due to pressurization of mothers to produce only boys. Amendments in the present law seek to make families equally liable for selective abortion of female fetuses since they go to clinics performing sex-selection tests initiating the process of sex selection and female feticide. Although the overall abortion rate in India is lower than that seen in many other countries, selective abortion of girls is higher and on the rise since girls die at twice the rate of boys before they reach the age of five. In some Indian families, girls are seen as economic burdens for the family whereas boys can become earners and care for their parents when they become elderly. The high abortion rate of female fetuses has rendered a dramatic gender imbalance in India. A woman is blamed for producing a female child since she's not keeping the family name. She then faces desertion, discrimination and violence . If the mother go for abortion, she will too be threatened by her family and husband hence difficulties by the Indian government of whom to criminalize for the abortion. The fundamentals of female empowerment will be absolutely tampered with. Gender imbalance as a result of the abortions of female fetuses is also a menace in China. In India, there are 7.1 million fewer girls than boys up to the age of six while in China; boys are also more than girls by 32 million under the age of 20. This gender imbalance will lead to millions of men unable to get wives especially the poor. Indian government must therefore increase the value of women and girls in society in order to reduce selective abortion as stated by Dr. Raj. Selective abortion of female fetuses in India dates to the tradition of male preference. ... Male preference often focuses on economics whereby girls are viewed as economic burdens for their families whereas boys can become earners and provide for their respective families. Traditionally, boys are a source of protection and care to their parents when they become elderly whereas girls will care for the families of those they marry. A girl is often viewed as a financial burden in some Indian families because when a girl is married off, the families of the groom demand a dowry payment which is illegal in India but still widely practiced (Seguino 1228). As a result, this take of girl child in India has led to creation of gender imbalance due to selective abortion of female fetuses. According to reports of the Daily Telegraph newspaper of Britain, Indian activists estimate that as many as 8 million unborn females were aborted over the past decade due to the pressurization of mothers to produce only boys. A mother is therefore blamed for producing a female child and faces desertio n, discrimination and even violence to some extent for punishing the family. Census reports in India also show that over the 50 year period from 1961 to 2011, the number of girls born per 1000 boys dropped from 976 to 914 creating a dramatic gender imbalance (Seguino 1221-2). Since Indian men already outnumber women by almost 10 million, there is demand to abolish abortions which occur every day as stated by Uttar Pradesh. Indian government and authorities have launched the fight against selective abortion of female fetuses. Entire families who pressure their female relatives into aborting female fetuses may be imprisoned together with the medical professionals who perform ultrasound tests to determine a

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Social Responsibility Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Social Responsibility - Research Paper Example sibility is very vital in the creation of wealth by a company in that if managed properly it can improve the competitiveness of the business and maximize the value of creation of wealth to the community. With the growing public awareness and desire for socially responsible businesses, it is significant to note that companies consider planning for future socially responsible business operation. Customers expect organizations to operate in a social responsible and moral way. Many Organizations have developed code of conduct that guide the behavior of their employees. Therefore, they have to work with customers to produce quality products that are in line with the customer’s desires and expectations. Further, organizations have to offer customers free access to data concerning their operation. Social responsibility and code of conduct are created with the recognition that every activity that a company do is connected with their work (Paine, 2008). Organizations should ensure that whatever activity they do, does not contravene the interest of the society. It is significant for organizations to accept whistleblowers because it helps in unearthing wrongdoing. Further, if organizations fail to accept internal whistleblowers, much damage can be done to the organization. Therefore, organizations should develop programs that allow employees to talk about illegal and unethical issues thus making organizations more socially responsible to the actions. Whistleblowers are advocates of the society since they make the organizations accountable in everything they do. Corporate philanthropy makes businesses more responsible by giving back to the society. It helps in raising awareness to the society about the company’s desire to help the society. Philanthropic activities make organizations help those in need. Social responsibility benefits both the employees and the company, since it broadens their experience and assists them in creating new ideas and skills via philanthropic

Saturday, August 24, 2019

RECOMMENDATION ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

RECOMMENDATION ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION - Essay Example The main source for reference for this study is a 2003 World Bank endorsed report which provides facts about the practice. It also recommends possible interventions that can be taken by various stakeholders. One may ask whether   the responsibility of containing this evil be left only to governments. The main stakeholders such as employers, guardians, civil groups, labor authorities and governments have a mandate to collectively strategize on how to look and solve this issue once and for all. This is because if this does not happen the larger society will be in ruin as Larson (14) observes. Introduction Child labor is a nagging issue that is present in most developing countries. This is because of the fact that the policies and laws that govern labor are either too lenient or don’t exist at all. This can be traced back to the period when the world was in the Industrial revolution era according to Sailee Kale (1) who is a contributor to the issues that relate to labor. At thi s point in time, many industries were   constructed to manufacture commodities. Because the owners were keen to reduce the expenses that were originating from the inputs, they resolved to adopt cheap labor to maintain the desired profit levels. The main source for this labor was destitute children who could work for food and menial allowances. Such situations are reported by NGOs and the media on a daily basis in India and Africa where children toil the farms and manufacturing factories. The main cause of this situation as this study is going to highlight is poverty and ignorance. Faraaz Sidiqi a human labor consultant speaks widely on these issues and interventions that ought to be taken if the battle against child labor is to be won. Background Information According to Sidiqi (20) Africa and Asia account for more than 90% of the global child labor exploitation cases. This is because of the fact that they are developing at a unusually high rate. Countries in these regions have ag riculture and industrial sectors as the backbone for their economies. The two sectors are labor intensive meaning that they demand a high recruitment of workers to carry out menial jobs. Labor costs take the largest fraction of input expenses in any industry hence a constant search for cheaper supply by the owners. The available option for such labor is the children who are an easy target since they may not be aware of their rights. In the report that was investigating the trends of child labor from 1993-2003 by the World Bank, 22% of all workers in Africa and 15% in Asia were children. This can be a staggering revelation especially at this age and time when the world stresses on education for the future generations. The children working on massive farms or dungeons of factories miss education. The other issue on why the situation is prevalent in today’s society is the policy framework that exists in the affected countries. The laws that dictate labor in those countries are e ither too vague or are not implementable at all by the authorities as the report shows (67). Therefore, the starting point for solving this problem is through a thorough scrutiny of the laws that dictate how children and labor issues relate. This paper will expound on other probable causes of child labor and its associated effects. Later on, there will be a comprehensive look at recommended practices to change the aspect of child related labor. Causes of Child Labor Poverty and

Friday, August 23, 2019

The opportunities and challenges that a Chinese firm faces while Essay

The opportunities and challenges that a Chinese firm faces while entering into Saudi Arabian market - Essay Example The present research has identified that in the recent times, it has been observed that increasing number of firms are going global which includes sectors like manufacturing, service, art, music and film among others. International business leads to enhanced flow of capital, services as well as ideas across the world. Consumers are offered with new choices and the companies are facilitated to innovate various new products as well as services. It has also been observed that international business assists in offering challenging employment opportunities to the people. Those transactions that are carried out in or with countries abroad in order to content the goals of the individuals, companies as well as organizations are referred to as international businesses. There are numerous types of international businesses such as export-import trade, foreign direct investment, licensing, and franchising and management contracts. It has been observed that since the past thirty years of operatio n, the volume of international trade has augmented from $200 billion to more than $7.5 trillion. In comparison to the global exports, there is rise in the sales of the foreign affiliates by a significant amount. The best thing that can be identified in the context of international business is that it has been successful in creating a network related to global connections that is capable of binding two countries, institutions as well as individuals because of trade, financial markets, technology as well as living standards. In the context of this study, the Chinese firm which is into retail sector wants to enter into Gulf Cooperation Council based country i.e., Saudi Arabia is considered. The Chinese firm will hire a consultant in order to gain advice on making such a move. The consultant will try to identify and offer advices on the challenges as well as opportunities when undertaking such a move into gulf countries. The project will begin with industry-specific characteristics. In order to do so, diamond model will be used. The project will also try to identify the general business contexts both national (China) as well as international (Saudi-Arabia). This will be conducted with the help of the PESTEL analysis. The next logical step followed after having identified the business context is to identify the most

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Curriculum Assessments †Paper Two Essay Example for Free

Curriculum Assessments – Paper Two Essay Curriculum assessments have a variety of purposes depending upon the aim. Overall they have been positive experiences for me throughout my education in their attempt to construct an anonymous forum for feedback in the name of improving the curriculum. They can also prove to be troublesome for particular types of professors and for students who believe they are simply a formality and that they are not actually taken into consideration. In my opinion, this can be a troublesome obstacle in the path of achieving greater transparency between professor performance ratings and the faculty boards that are responsible for the career paths of these professors. An example of a positive experience using curriculum assessments was my freshman year of college. I had an astronomy professor that was very aloof and seemingly arrogant in his lectures, but in his office hours was personable and humorous. He handed out the assessment after our midterm in the hope of improving the course for the second half. He received overwhelming feedback in the same spirit as mine and he made a conscious effort to become more compassionate during his lectures. Needless to say the second half of the semester was much more enjoyable, hopefully for him as well. On the other hand, I had a negative experience with a tenured sociology professor. She had been at the university for over 35 years and she believed since she had been there for so long she would not benefit from student assessments. We took the assessment after midterms and when she reported the results back to the students, she was visibly upset. She took the feedback as a personal attack instead of constructive criticism. The rest of the semester seemed forced and unnatural as she grudgingly held to her tactics. I believe the main purpose of the assessment is to provide students with an anonymous forum to voice their opinion about the professor and the course without fear of repercussion. In addition, assessments can be used by the faculty board to determine which professors deserve a raise, or consideration for tenure. That being said, they have to be taken seriously, by the students, the professors, and the faculty boards. If they are discarded as simple formalities instead of given thoughtful interpretation and implementation, then they become a wasteful bureaucratic process. In this regard, assessments can have a great value as long as they are completed in good faith and are not personal attacks against a professor or a course. They can provide specific examples and criteria on which to judge the success of not only a professor, but the course in general. Furthermore, assessments can be used across the board to map overall trends of the courses and the professors that teach them. Some institutions favor great professors while others are more focused on high profile research projects or on having their professors be powerful publishing presences. If the goal of the institution is on the students themselves, then student assessments are vital parts of determining which professors best suit this aim. I think assessments are an overall positive approach to improving curriculum. They have to remain anonymous in order to maintain their integrity and honesty. Professors need to learn from them in the manner they are intended, that is that they are implemented with the greater good in mind; for the students, for the professors, and for the institutions of guiding principle.

A Change of Heart Essay Example for Free

A Change of Heart Essay A Change of Heart I was only fourteen years old. The time had come for me to make a decision, to choose between two destinies. It was the time for me to decide whether I would maintain the plain look and keep my mom jeans, or whether I would ditch those loser jeans and go with the sleek skinny jeans. Though most people wouldn’t consider this a matter worth debating over, it reached the highest of my concerns. Knowing the knowledge that we live in a judgmental world, a place where people judge based on outward appearance, I went with the choice that was clear; I must invest in the skinnies. The mall was the place for a guy like me to be! After me and my brother arrived, we browsed a large variety of pants. Red, yellow, black, and white, the clothing stores contained many unique fashions and colors. The prices made everything easy: the higher the price, the better the product! Due to my brother, who has the fashion sense of a queen, I was bound for the looks of awesomeness. He would tell me what matches and what does not. I trusted him. After all, it was him that got me interested in this style! Now that I have this tremendous change of heart, there ain’t no going back. Never in a million years would I trade a pair of my tight-around-the-booty jeans for a yucky, bland pair of mom jeans like I used to have. I remain thankful for the fun tradition me and my brother have of broin’ out together at the mall and movies. The memories and knowledge I have gained goes higher than any mountain I’ve ever climbed.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Music in Casablanca Analysis

Music in Casablanca Analysis Casablanca is one of the classic love stories in American movie history. There are many ingredients are combined to make the successful film. One of main contributions that is the music of Casablanca and it should not be underrated. Max Steiner, one of the great Hollywood composers, drew upon the leitmotif and achieved many subtle effects of mood-painting and psychological commentary in his score. In this essay, one of scenes of Casablanca that will be discussed is about the conversation of Rick and Ilsa in Ricks bar after the Paris flashback from Ilsas entry. Timothy E. Scheurer mentioned in The Music of Casablanca that Max molded the theme to the situation, changing keys, augmenting the melody, altering its rhythms, and modifying its harmonic structure at points to emphasize its dramatic qualities. In his hands, it became a symbol of fulfilment, a melody expressing the happiness that comes with love. The music, As Time Goes By, originally wrote by Herman Hupfield, which has reorganized in the scene by Max. People may inevitably think of it when they remember the film. He transformed As Times Goes By to a number of contrasting variations. Audience may focus more on the actions or conversations of the characters and they may be attracted from others effect from the film. Also, they may say there was music but they did not notice about it and in fact that Max composed cues in numerous indication of instrumentation. They are given a certain feeling or emotion of the scene from what the producers are trying to express it such as music. The scene is about at the end of recalling Ricks memories in Paris; he is sitting at a cafà © table in the foreground and knocking over his glass of bourbon. Next, camera pans to the right and repositions him on the left and suddenly, the door is opened in the far distance in the middle of the screen. There is no music before Ilsa comes in which may indicate that both Rick and viewers are waiting for someone. The silence enhances the sinking feeling. In here, Max may attempt to give a break to audiences and leads them to get ready for this scene from the other. Until the door is opened, the music is begun and is played the Casablanca chord 2; the sinking chromatic scale (Marks, M. p. 167, 177), which give a sinking feeling to audience at the first point after the Paris flashback. It seems there are something will happen and it happens, Ilsa comes to see Rick and Rick seems waiting for so long. Martin Marks said that the chord in the first measure is marked for woodwinds, vibraphone, harp, piano, celesta, and horns; above the chord Steiner has written that it should be orchestrated like Reel 5, Part 4 (the mentioned scene in this essay). In other words, the whole music in this scene is played by these instruments or maybe more than these such as strings. However, the music is subdued which gives the effect on audiences is subliminal. Also, audiences when watch the whole scene, they can reach the counterpoint to the dialogues with the music. Max has even re-used the Casablanca chord 2 in Reel 9, Part 2, which the scene is Ilsas second return to Rick. The manipulation of the music is similar to Reel 4, Part 7, which the scene Ilsa first see Rick. In order to maintain the unity of the whole story, Max fragmented the music and put it into different scene to bring out different motion. Back to the scene, Ilsa appears wearing a white coat and scarf and she comes to Rick as he expected but she heightens his resentful feeling by telling him that she would not have came if she had known he was in Casablanca. Then, Ilsa tries to speak to him but he is sarcastic and refuses to listen to her explanations. With tears in her eyes, Ilsa attempts to explain her past history. Its about a girl who had just come to Paris from her home in Oslo. At the house of some friends she met a man about whom shed heard her whole life, a very great and courageous man. He opened up for her a whole beautiful world full of knowledge and thoughts and ideals. Everything she knew or even became was because of him. And she looked up to him and worshipped him which a feeling she suppose was love. Audiences may learn or guess that Ilsas admiration for Victor Laszlo is the source of her love for him. Ilsa is forced to face the fact that she has other loyalties and attachments that she should not aband on. Her life seems to lack independent action and it makes her separation from Rick appear more tragic than Ricks separation from her. For Rick, he hopes Ilsa is telling him the man who is Rick himself but ironically, he is forced to recognize the nature of the divided loyalties that Ilsa has to face and she choose to be with Laszlo. Obviously, Ilsa cares for Victor and is torn between the two men. She thought that she would never see him again. Audiences may appreciate the position in which Ilsa finds herself. Rick denigrates Ilsa to the level of a promiscuous. Ilsa thought that Rick would listen to her but he did not. The music is played with some heavy bass instruments, meanwhile, he continuous with his bitter dialogue, Tell me, who was it you left me for? Was it Laszlo or were there others in between? Or arent you the kind that tells? After that, Ilsa is with a tear running down her cheek and leaves Rick without further word. The sinking chord is playing again when Ilsa leaves Rick. Audiences are given a sympathy feeling for Ilsa that she should not be treated in this way because of her loyalty. On the other hand, they understand why Rick is being so cynical that he could not hold his love. When their conversation started, Max made the music in slow tempo and maintained in a quite high pitch. Marks showed that the Ricks bitter dialogue is with the variation 6 of As Times Goes By, Doom. Then, it is Ilsas turn to speak and tell her story and the instruments such as string and harp are stood out to present its feminine, which accompanies by what Ilsa is wearing (Virgin Mary wrap and mothers-like wearing) and the photographic effect on her which gives a blurring effect and spotlights are on her made her eyes are sparkling to made her so feminine. It seems Ilsa is still beautiful and attractive to Rick. When Ilsa is telling about her story, the background music also contains Laszlo Marseille and it may indicate that Ilsas life has already been with Victor and she cannot abandon Victor. It is hard for audiences to hear the music because Max has subdued it and audiences may recognize it unconsciously. As Times Goes By and Marseille is blended together may indicate a tale of two men vying for the same womans love in a love triangle. At the end of this scene, the music is again orchestrated as same as the beginning of it. It shows a clear entrance and exit of the scene with well organized music that audiences would know when the other scene is begun. To aspect of religious, the subconscious of Ilsas identity is shown to audiences and Rick as an angel of motherhood as a transfiguration. When Rick speaks again, music is played in low pitch and audience may hear the bass to perceive the identity of masculine, heroism. Audiences may learn that why Rick becomes a cynical man who is assumed a powerful man in Casablanca. When he is reminiscing the time in Paris, in which he was a more optimistic, more romantic and less cynical man. The flashback scene is an important cue to show why Rick is being so mean to Ilsa in this scene. The music is reinforced Ricks emotion inner his heart when he see Ilsa again. And now, audience know that Rick is drunk at this time, not thinking clearly and they know nothing about what Ilsa experienced. Audiences may tend to stay impartial until more of the story is revealed. The flashback has brought us to a point where we know enough about Rick to at least understand his motivations and viewers are better abl e to pass a judgment on him. In this scene, it seems that it is the time to show the truth why their relationship is unfulfilled. The music enhanced their feelings, sadness, anger and regretfulness to audiences. Scheurer said in The Music of Casablanca that we never hear the song played all the way through in one sitting in the film. As Rich and Ilsas love is fated to be never completely fulfilled, so the song presents itself to the viewers is fragments and is never complete. At the end of the scene, Max manipulated the music deliberately to be fragmentary at the beginning when Ilsa comes in and at the end when Ilsa ultimately left Rick again. The music is also used to be a connective to the past in which that sense of fulfilment was at hand but hand slipped away again. For its songs history, As Times Goes By is first published in 1931. It was perfectly applied to the film because of its evocation of the past. The melody in minor harmonic can deliver a message of a sense of bittersweet and nostalgia longing. Furthermore, in 1943, based on trends in popular music and theatre, during this time, the song with some nostalgia is certainly received warmly by movie audience. The song is worked musically and lyrically which speak of love eternal. Rick and Ilsas romance had made their own in the post with the song. Graphic score is also drawn in order to analysis its music effects the mood of the narrative. The whole sequence lasts for about 3 minutes. I have heard several times of the music with and without watching it. It gives a big difference. When I heard the music with watching it, I would focus more on what Rick and Ilsa are talking about. The volume of music is turned down when the conversations is started. The conversation is clearly to be heard the explanation of their relationship between Rick and Ilsa. However, sometimes, there are some strings and harps are played in high pitch. The most recognizable sound is played at the beginning and at the end of the sequence. When I hear the music without watching, it seems more music is coming out, for example, As Time Goes By is played by string and Marseille also can be heard. Music is constructed to convey the characters emotion perfectly. To conclude, according to Scheurer, It is to Steiners credit that, despite having so much of the score dictated by diegetic music (As Time Goes By and The Marseillaise especially), he was able to craft a score that has his indelible stamp. He took the source music and wove it into the leitmotif structure very effectively, and in the process, he transformed the songs. They seem larger, greater, and better pieces of music than we might think they are. This happens, no doubt, because the themes work in conjunction with other superb filmic elements (acting, directing, lighting, etc.). I agree with its statement that although music is an important element in producing a film, but it is not least to construct or make up a theme with other vital elements such as star power of Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergnan, colourful characters, remarkable acting performances, effective direction, skilled cinematographary and a good score. However, Max Steiner approached to catch as many cinematic detai ls as he can; not only in this discussed scene, but also to keep the music moving forward in the whole film. As Martin Marks said, Max shows a keen understanding of the narratives overall and musics ability to enhance it.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Cant Help Falling in Love :: Music Romance Elvis Presley Essays

Can't Help Falling in Love Wise men say only fools rush in/ but I can't help falling in love with you/ Shall I stay/ would it be a sin/If I can't help falling in love with you/ Like a river flows surely to the sea/ Darling so it goes/ some things are meant to be/ take my hand, take my whole life too/ for I can't help falling in love with you/ Like a river flows surely to the sea/ Darling so it goes/ some things are meant to be/ take my hand, take my whole life too/ for I can't help falling in love with you/ for I can't help falling in love with you –Elvis Presley (1) Elvis may have been wise before his time, because research has found out that you cannot "help falling in love". (1) Many recording artists sing about love and how you cannot help the way you feel about someone when you are in love. Many researchers have done studies to find out what happens within the brain when you are in love and the results are interesting. Before one can understand the emotion of love, one must look at emotions themselves and what they do within the brain. Emotions: Emotions are defined as "stereotypic patterns of the body, which are triggered by the central nervous system in response to distinct external environmental situations or to the recollection of memories related to such situations." (2) In other words, this means the emotions are the way the nervous system reacts to different situations one might find themselves in. In order to survive, emotional responses must be present. (2) "Whenever an emotion is triggered, a network of brain regions (traditionally referred to as the limbic system) generates a pattern of stereotypic outputs, which ultimately induce a biological response of the body." (2) These stereotypic outputs are what humans call emotions. They are predictable responses to certain situations, for instance when a person is in a sad situation, they will cry and feel depressed or if a person is in a happy situation, they will laugh and smile. These responses are because "specific circuits of the emotional motor system have ev olved to both generate this stereotypic emotional facial response, as well as instantaneously recognize it when it occurs in somebody else." (2) This holds true for people in love, when you see someone in love you can tell because their face tells all.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Teaching Goals and Philosophy Essay examples -- Education Teachers Sch

Teaching Goals and Philosophy Entering the field of education requires a person to take on many very important responsibilities. Teachers play a very vital role in the lives and futures of many individuals. Through the perspective of a teacher, many students come and go year after year. The names and faces of many students are often forgotten as you enter and new year with new students, new faces, and new names. On the other hand, although educators encounter many more students then students do educators, a teacher has a much more substantial impact on the life of a student. Upon taking this into consideration, I was led to ask myself many important questions. What do I hope to accomplish as a teacher? What do I wish for my students to accomplish in my classroom? Also, what are my professional development plans? First of all, I realize that every child is a unique individual, and no one is superior to any other, regardless of who excels academically, athletically, or socially. I feel that it is important for all students to treated equally. Everyone has positive qualities about them and teachers should find these qualities in every student. Teachers should make the students aware of their unique characteristics and encourage them to make the most of them. Every child should feel important, worthwhile, and accepted. Without the necessary self-esteem, it will be very difficult for a child to focus on his or her education. Students should be encouraged to accept themselves and each other. The same opportunities should be accessible to every student so that each child will have an equal chance to grow and learn. Secondly, although every child is equal and should be treated a... should be built to help them to succeed I future situations. They need to learn to be independent, free-thinking, and empathetic. They should have a strong sense of self yet be open-minded to the many different things that life has to offer them. School should prepare students for the future while at the same time, help them to enjoy and appreciate the present. I hope to eventually earn my certification in K-6 multi-subject education and from there I would like to find a job teaching one of the lower grades. I think that I will find a career in the educational field to be a very fulfilling one. Children are very important and people sometimes overlook the fact that they have ideas, hopes, and dreams that are very real and meaningful to them. Someday, I hope to take part in helping children to become happy, responsible, and productive adults.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay examples --

All students come across difficulties in their studies. In other words all students have weaknesses regarding certain study skills. These weaknesses have a negative effect on the students and may make the life of the student miserable by causing him or her to not succeed in a subject or his or her course. Knowing how to improve these skills will help the student to turn his or her weaknesses into strengths. Motivation is my most problematic and pressing weakness. The first time that I was aware of my weakness with motivation was in high school; I only got motivated to study when there was a little amount of time before the exam or the due date for an assignment. This weakness has affected me negatively and because of it I got low grades in my tests and assignments. This weakness also prevents me from being able to plan effectively. The reason I think I have a low motivation to study is because of the many distractions in my life, like video games. I enjoy playing them for long periods of time. I also watch shows and hang out with friends. However I think that the real actual reason why I am not motivated to study is that I am not interested in my studies, or, in other words I do not find the things they are teaching us interesting. My second weakness is a lack of focus. The first time that I became aware of this weakness was soon after I noticed my low motivation. I am only able to focus for a small amount time, for example if a class lasts for two hours I can only focus for one hour, or in other words, I can generally focus for only half the duration of a class. This weakness also has affected me negatively as I can’t understand some parts from the teacher’s speech about the topic so my... do things. I should be aware of my time, the place it really goes to. Sometimes when I find it hard to fit in everything that I want to do and there are things that are more important than others. I should identify my priorities and set due dates for it. I should be precise and comprehensive when it comes to managing my time. I should prepare a detailed diary/planner. I should put plan notes in places that I would remember them easily. I should carry out my plans according to a schedule. I should think of things that will disrupt my plans. I should experiment with saving time or managing my time, so that I will know what works and save time for the things I priorities. I should check if I am sticking to my plan. If not, I should make some changes to my plan to make it more realistic, or think of what I can do to so that I will not mess up my plan (Cottrell: 2013)

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Lorex Pharmaceuticals

The Case: Lorex Pharmaceuticals has come up with a new product, Litanol. This medicine seems to have a high potential which is developed for the treatment of high blood pressure. Company has come up with a manufacturing line and production is supposed to be begin next Monday. Following points are considered while analyzing the case: 1. The marketing team has decided to sell Litanol in sealed 10-ounce bottles, packaged in cases of 12 bottles each with a wholesale price of $186 per case. 2.The production capacity is 1000 bottles per case but due to certain unavoidable reasons, Lorex is producing Litanol at an average of 500 cases over an eight-hour shift. 3. The entire line was operated by two employees who are paid $12. 80 per hour. 4. Other charges include $89. 50 per hour for overhead and filling $1. 10 per bottle. 5. Bottles filled with less than 10 ounce are rejected and sold for 80% of normal price. 6. Attendants for secondary packaging are paid $8. 50 per hour. 7. A sample of fi lling process and test results is given in exhibit 2, with target of 10. fluid ounces. 8. The cost details from exhibit 1 are used to guesstimate for cost of other predicted samples (10. 3, 10. 4, 10. 5 and 10. 6 ounce samples). The issue: Recently, there was a case of clogging of storage area for underfilled bottles due to unexpected under filling. This was apparently because of one standard deviation allowed above required amount of 10 ounce. Alternatives: 1. We can revise the filling target from 10. 2 to reduce the no of under filled bottles without compromising on the gross margins. Various filling targets have been worked out on the next page 2.We can speculate the no of under filled bottles by studying the probability of occurrence of under filling for a period. Accordingly the storage area evacuation may be scheduled to avoid clogging Analysis: Lets assume the standard deviation to be same (0. 16) for all filling targets. This is justified because Std Dev measures the inaccur acy level of the filling machine which will remain same regardless of the filling targets. Below is the analysis and calculation showing different gross margins for different filling targets.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Artistic Themes from Ancient Cultures Essay

The role a man plays in society, as well as the role a woman plays in society is referred to as a gender role. A gender role can include, but is not limited to a person’s status, position, behavior, and activities that is deemed fitting for the sex of that person. Men and women’s roles are very different and have always been that way. It is expected by society that men and women have diverse principles and attitudes. The fact that certain behavior is logically linked to the gender of the person is confronted by the social aspect that is mirrored by behavior. Role is such a broad word with different understandings, one meaning powerfully characterized. On the other hand the term gender role refers to history and culture. Gender roles do change with time. Roles have changed drastically over time. Dependent on the background or culture of people, one should know that gender roles can be clarified in a number of ways. In earlier times it was normal for the woman to stay at home and care for the home and the children but now that have changed. Women these days are working just like the man. However in some cultures it is still tradition that the woman stay home and take care of the house. Those particular cultures think it is just not right for women to be independent or provide for their own family. In some cultures people are still against women voting or having the same rights as men. But in the culture I live in, men and women share equal rights which includes, but is not limited to the right to vote. â€Å"The measurement of gender role identity typically focuses upon personality traits (e.g., agentic versus communal), with individuals indicating on a paper-and-pencil survey the degree to which each trait provides a true description of themselves (Lenton, 2004).† In Rome, they believed in their gender roles. According to the men of Rome, the women were very weak individuals who needed male guidance and protection. The role of protector and guide was first played by the father of the woman  and then the husband. If, by chance something happened to the husband, another man would be appointed to take on this role. If a woman bared three children or more she was no longer required to be under the guidance of a man, she is now unrestricted. According to Fiero (2011), â€Å"women had traditional occupations in food and textile production and prostitution, but women were also known to hold positions as musicians, painters, priestess, midwives, and even gladiators. In Rome, marriages were put together based on the person’s social status. A gift, identifying the social status of the bride was given to the groom from the bride’s father. Not knowing the social status brought about many problems. â€Å"Infidelity was on the rise in marr ied women, divorce was becoming more common, and it was not uncommon for the second and third marriages to come about in men and women (Fiero, 2011).† The differences in the gender roles were very obvious. In the earlier Roman years women were only allowed to drink grape juice. They were not permitted to drink wine at all. When women attended dinner parties they were not allowed to lounge around, however the men were. The slaves did most of the manual labor so women had very little to do, if anything. The gender roles of the Romans were totally different from the Greeks. Work was shared by both men and women but were separated centered on their gender. Women were given the option to own land alongside with the men. â€Å"Both men and women stayed active in the economy among families that ran small shops or workshops (Sutton, 2013).† Jobs with low pay were offered to the women who did want to work. Once the Greek women starting a family, they would stop working outside of the home. Today, women are allowed to work after starting a family. â€Å"Regardless of origin, it is important to convey that gender roles are neither static nor invariant (Lenton, 2004).† As the years p assed, gender roles have dropped. The modern lifestyles that are created now have transformed the aspect of gender roles. There are more women in the workplace than ever before. Women are now just as equal as men. References Lenton, A. P. (2004). Gender Roles. Retrieved from Fiero, G.K. (2011). The Humanistic Tradition (5th ed.). New York City, New York: McGraw-Hill.Sutton, S.B. (2013). Culture of Greece. Retrieved from

Good teacher Essay

If I were to describe one of my teachers that I have had throughout these years, the one who I considered a good teacher is my present English teacher. The reasons why I would like to characterize my English teacher are various. Firstly, she’s well to take responsibility. She came to teach punctually. Especially, she always keeps in touch with us to try hard to study by her homework for every day. She speaks English fluently, and her voice is so loud that can make students in the class easy to listen. Actually, when we tired, she always tells jokes that always keep us smiling. Secondly, she’s been teaching for long time, so she’s got many experiences. I like the way she pronounce clearly. Moreover, I could say she is a good explainer but she also gives her best in order to help students to improve their knowledge in English. She likes to correct us each time we make mistakes both in pronunciation and grammar. Thirdly, she’s a work hard teacher. She always do a research more new documents for  the students to easy to get understand. And she also got some music lyrics, puzzle, or any other to relax at the weekend or after exam. Sometimes, she looks strong-mined to make us to try hard to study but I know that inside she’s very kind, polite and honest. In conclusion, I can say that, her lectures are well organized, interesting and her methods of teaching us demonstrate the desirable teaching method for our use. I thought that I’m very lucky that I’ve met a very good teacher like her.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

For rich and poor in Russia Essay

I leaned my back on my big black chair. The cushion, now deep and saggy, still feels comfortable. It has been ten long years of sitting on the same chair yet I can still feel its soft leather and now dilapidated covers. This high-back chair has been with me since day one. It surely has witnessed countless heated arguments with my staff, serious conversations with directors, even termination scenes with employees. Today, as I am about to make the biggest decision for the company, the chair will once more bear witness to my decision-making. So I reached for the topmost document from a pile of white papers on my desk. This was from yesterday’s presentation. It read, â€Å"Strategy for Expansion,† with bold letters that seemed to be screaming at me. Yes, after ten long years of doing business, we have finally decided to widen our horizons and look for other markets to tap into. I stretched my feet under the table, putting back the document I sighed and asked myself, â€Å"Are we ready to do this? † â€Å"Sir, everyone is waiting for you in the boardroom,† my secretary interrupted. This is just one of the vivid scenes recurring to me whenever I think about my future career. Indeed I aspire to sit on the manager’s chair of a successful company in my home country of Russia. Yet the road towards that aspiration is long and bumpy, not to mention competitive and challenging especially in today’s business world. As this is the case, I deem that I need top-notch and excellent education and rigid practical training from a prestigious educational institution. Hence, I have chosen the European School of Economics to major in International Business. Primarily, I regard that an international learning environment offered by ESE is crucial in today’s competitive business world so as to prepare and train me in building a career in business especially in this time of globalization. Since ESE is home to students of different nationalities and allows free movement between the centers in London, New York, Rome, Milan, and Florence, I am certain to experience a dynamic, interesting, and challenging academic environment necessary in today’s competitive atmosphere of business. ESE will further hone my skills and strengthen my knowledge in preparation for my entry into the global marketplace by providing practical training or real-life application of business theories and perspectives through exposure and involvement in creating strategic plans, managing international projects, and addressing various challenges in today’s global business environment. Evidence of ESE’s capacity to do this is the myriad of graduates who are the movers and shakers in the business field occupying positions in management, organizational operations, marketing, and customer care, among others. Another testament to ESE’s ability to educate me excellently are the recognitions it has received. In fact, ESE programs have been validated by the highest ranked university by British students and the only independent university in the United Kingdom, the University of Buckingham. It is also accredited by the British Accreditation Council. Furthermore, I have been drawn to ESE’s philosophy of not just assisting students in choosing a career that suits them but more so encouraging them to fulfill their goals by chasing their dreams and doing what they love. This kind of encouraging environment will definitely ease the stress and pressures attached with higher education, not to mention bring fun and active spirit amidst academic requirements. Moreover, another significant factor in choosing ESE is its revered internship program. Since the school has established relationships with successful global companies, I am guaranteed to gain the needed exposure and adequate training necessary before entering the real business world. Particularly in my chosen major where I will be exposed to three internship placements, I will have the opportunity to explore which field I may be good at, to assess my own skills for future practice, and to earn the trust and confidence of employers for future employment options. Above all, I have chosen ESE, particularly the Bachelor’s Degree in International Business because of the quality of education that I will receive should I be accepted in the said program. Included in this quality education are the analytical and critical thinking skills that I will acquire, which will aid me in future organizational decisions. Furthermore, the kind of learning I will gain in the said program will give me a deep comprehension of the global business environment and the different factors that influence investment, trade, and the economy, thereby allowing me to come up with strategic business plans in the future. In addition, an ESE education will further strengthen my communication skills crucial in local and international business transactions and dealings as well as develop my creativity and flexibility in responding to various challenges that face the business environment. Because of all these qualities, I aspire to be one of the students to be educated with an ESE education. However, this education will not just be for me but for my country as well. As a Russian native, I have seen the widening gap between the rich and the poor. Though everyone seems to be climbing up the ladder of economic progress, the rich people continue to become richer very quickly and as a result, the gap continues to expand (Arvedlund, 2005). Hence, as someone with business and economic knowledge, I dream of working in an area where I can help bridge this gap – the supermarket industry. In 2001, it was only forecasted that supermarkets will gain momentum in Russia as the demand for food caused by the increasing purchasing power of Russians skyrocketed. In the past though, supermarkets were known to be exclusively high-income shopping places while outside markets are pictures of low and middle class shopping (Kozlov, 2001). While supermarkets provide all the conveniences of shopping, the prices of goods are high; while local stores’ prices are low, the quality of products is poor. Moreover, it was reported in 2008 that foreign supermarkets are beginning to expand their markets by establishing outlets in Russia, particularly in Moscow. Majority of these supermarket giants have been household names in developed nations. Their goal is to target consumers with a growing dispensable income by combining high quality products and low prices (Bentley, 2008). However, what I am aiming for is an all original Russian supermarket merging the features of a supermarket and a local store. My long-term professional dream is to establish a chain of supermarkets characterized by high standard goods, convenient shopping, low prices, and authentically Russian ambiance, where everyone regardless of income can enjoy shopping. After some time when the company has been established and have enough profits to sustain the business and even to venture out in other endeavors, we will expand to include charity work in our goals. This social responsibility is one aspect that many Russian companies seem to neglect. Hence, this dream will somehow decrease the gap between the rich and the poor and in a way support the less-fortunate to climb up the economic ladder quickly. Moreover, it is this very dream that inspired me to pursue a career in business; majoring in International Business in ESE is the first step towards this. Indeed the primary role of businesses, whether small, medium, or large, and local or international, is to create products and services and sell these to communities to gain profit for wealth creation in society (International Organization of Employers, 2005). How to effectively and efficiently achieve this purpose is what aspiring businessmen like me wish to study and master. The principles of marketing, various business methods, economics, business law and ethical practice, management and organization, and finance – these are just few elements that businesses need to take into consideration on their way to making profit. Yet beyond money matters, businesses have ventured out to include social responsibility and accountability to community as part of their strategy. For instance, businesses have sought to advance the quality of life like McDonald’s advocating for animal welfare, education of youth, clean environment, and charitable efforts (McDonalds, 2010). Moreover, businesses have also used their resources to embed social responsibility in their goods and services as in Vodafone’s Mpesa program in Kenya that enables people to do mobile banking and the content-filtering system the company incorporated for parents and children’s protection (Demos, 2006). If these companies successfully accomplished these endeavors, then it will not be impossible for the others to follow suit. Hence, I aim to do just that in my future business. To do this, I will apply my experience in interacting with different types of culture that I gained from living in several countries. Likewise, I will use my skills in developing relationships and working in groups to expand my business, develop ethical approaches in doing business, and incorporate charitable programs that will foster a symbiotic relationship between my business and the community or society. Since there are problems ahead, the analytical knowledge that business education will equip will come in handy. Nonetheless, this analytical approach will not only be applicable within the bounds of business but outside the business world as well. For instance, the lessons learned from economics, finance, and marketing will enable me to become an intelligent consumer. Moreover, the values taught by management and organization will help me manage my time and organize my schedule. In addition, the values acquired from business law and ethics will support my personal judgment and decisions in life and at work. Needless to say, I am fit to achieve all these through an ESE education because I am a hard worker and a leader. Testament to this is my experience working in the marketing department of a shoe company. Though a greenhorn, I was immediately tasked to handle the marketing plan for the newest line of rubber shoes. Together with the team, I looked into previous plans from the department and examined the core values of the company. I then gathered them and brainstormed on what marketing strategy would be best for the new shoe line. I assigned each member a task that includes researching the marketing environment, reviewing past marketing activities, studying the company’s marketing system, and devising methods to analyze marketing plan’s effectiveness. With all our inputs, we were able to come up with a solid strategy, which the company used to introduce the new product to the market. From this work experience, I showcased my leadership and management abilities to produce good results. I was also able to display responsibility, meticulousness, organization, and ability to work well with others to ensure that the task assigned to me was smooth sailing from beginning to end. All these qualities will come in handy in the real global competitive business world. Nonetheless, my life is not all work and business. I also use my time doing fun activities such as swimming and yoga, both of which ease my mind from the pressures of school, work, and personal life. In my spare time, I read books and newspapers. I find current events, politics, history, and business the most interesting topics to read about as they give me awareness of past and present events that shape people and ultimately influence their decisions and actions. Furthermore, I also devote my time in volunteer work. In fact, I was recently in Tijuana, Mexico to help build houses for homeless families in the said area and also in the reservation in Taos, New Mexico to immerse myself in the Pueblo culture together with Pueblo school children. I have likewise participated in the Walk to Cure Diabetes in San Francisco, CA for a number of times. The said experiences deepened my understanding of different kinds of people and made me appreciate life more. They also inspired me to do more for the community and society as there are many people who need help, care, and attention. Therefore, in the future, I wish to extend my hand to the underprivileged and unnoticed sectors of society. Before doing this though, I wish to earn my master’s degree to strengthen the undergraduate education I will acquire. This way, my dream of establishing and managing a solely Russian-based company will be easier to achieve. Additionally, earning a master’s degree will make me a more effective leader and manager bringing a Western style of conducting business, which I believe is more efficient when applied in the Russian environment. The higher degree will also strengthen the knowledge and skills I gained from studying in various parts of the world and from interacting with different cultures in bringing a global and efficient approach to the company and in promoting charity and community work as an integral component in today’s business world. So I stared at my secretary for a couple of minutes and then she said, â€Å"Sir, is there something wrong? Everyone is waiting.. † I did not let her finish and instead I asked, â€Å"Do you think it is time for me to buy a new chair? † â€Å"I most certainly think so, Sir. † With that, I already know what decision to deliver in the boardroom. References Arvedlund, E. E. (2005). For rich and poor in Russia, gap widens. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www. nytimes. com/2005/04/26/business/worldbusiness/26iht-ruble. html? _r=2 Bentley, E. (2008). Supermarket giants check out Russia. The Moscow News. Retrieved from http://www. mn. ru/business/20080904/55345070. html Demos, T. (2006). Beyond the bottom line: Our second annual ranking of Global 500 companies. CNN. Retrieved from http://money. cnn. com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2006/10/30/8391850/index. htm International Organization of Employers. (2005). The role of business within society: Position paper. Geneva: International Organization of Employers. 1-10. Kozlov, V. (2001). Supermarkets gain momentum in Moscow. The Russia Journal. Retrieved from http://www. russiajournal. com/node/5018 McDonalds. (2010). Values in action. Retrieved from http://www. mcdonalds. com/us/en/our_story/values_in_action. html

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

On Learning to Be an Indian

If you are going to choose between Simpatico and Rose, what will you choose? We know that Simpatico and Rose has its own identification and different structure but they also have similarities, they have stem, leaves and they are both flowers, right? It's like an Indian Culture and Philippine Culture, they have its own identification, different traditions and different cultures but they also have similarities on it. But first, did you know the difference of culture and tradition? What is culture? What is tradition?In India, praying at 5 o'clock in the morning and sang the hymns of the day at that time is their culture, it's like â€Å"Angelus† praying at 6 o'clock in the morning or 12 o'clock in the afternoon in the Catholics in the Philippine tradition; ash and smeared on forehead in Indian culture is like â€Å"Ash Wednesday' tradition in the Philippines; if you committed innumerable offenses like eating beef and other offenses, you may lost your right in both religion (Hind uism) and caste have similarities in Giggles in Crisis who are not allowed to eat â€Å"Dingus† and Muslims who are not allowed to eat eats (tradition in the Philippines); has hospitality to the visitors is also the same in Philippine culture; has a â€Å"betrothal ceremony' has a similarity in courting before the agreement to be married, in the Philippine culture; in Indian culture, the oldest woman in the house became the head of the family.Philippine culture, the father is the head of the family; in Indian culture, the bride must learn all the household chores, etc. S same of the culture of the Philippines but if you're rich and can afford servants or maids, the servants/maid will do the chores for you; And in India there was a prejudice not only against inter-caste marriages but against inter- community too but the Philippines doesn't have that type of culture, and I'm proud to say that, that we have a democratic country and we can do, choose what we want. It's seen that every culture has similarity to other culture/tradition of other country and some cultures or traditions have differences. Maybe the method of the culture or the way they do it makes it unique to others, and because of this uniqueness, the country may became famous and may influence other culture.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Legal Risk and Opportunity in Employmnet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Legal Risk and Opportunity in Employmnet - Essay Example When employees work at the discretion of their employers, it can be said to be ‘employment at will’ (Jennings, 2005, p. 727). An employment at will means that either employer or employee can terminate the agency relationship at anytime with or without apparent reason that employer can act in discriminatory manner. According to Jennings (2005), an employee who is appointed by an oral or written agreement is considered to be an agent and he has express authority to act on behalf of the employer. â€Å"In an agency relationship, one party agrees to act on behalf of another party according to the directions given to him. It is a relationship that exists by common consent in which both parties agree to it and it is a relationship that is fiduciary in nature† (Chapter-18, p.701). Pat has been provided a Personnel Manual that mentioned the process for dealing with unsatisfactory employee and hence he believed that his employer’s freedom to fire him at will was limited. If an employee has exercised a right which was supported by public policy and the employer reacted against it, then a wrongful discharge suit can be claimed. In the legal encounter one, Pat has insisted that sports funds should be equally allocated, but, his position on this issue was unpopular. He was unidentified by anyone in the school board. Pat believed that it created unfriendliness and resulted to his discharge from NewCorp. Employee must be informed of the deficiency and placed on a Corrective Action Plan if his performance is unsatisfactory. Jennings (2005) emphasizes that â€Å"one of the factors that determine whether a personnel manual and its terms constitute a contract is the reliance of an employee on its procedures and terms† (chapter 18, p. 727). Legal Encounter two creates a dilemma for NewCorp between electrical manufacturing supervisor Sam and his employee Paula. It is a case of

Monday, August 12, 2019

Health education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Health education - Research Paper Example The topic of HIV/AIDS is very broad, therefore, this research papers focuses on transmission of HIV/AIDS. In addition, the impacts of the problem in the society are highlighted and recommendations are given on how to mitigate the spread of the disease. According to Akinwumi (2001), the rate of HIV/AIDS infection is high among the poor and the rich as well as the educated and the illiterate. It is, therefore, critical to evaluate how the disease is transmitted from one individual to another. Transmission of HIV occurs when the virus from an infected person gets into the body of a healthy person. This is through the semen, or injecting the virus into the body of a healthy individual. This means that there are numerous mechanisms through which the HIV virus can get into the body of a healthy individual as highlighted in the subsequent literature. In most instances, HIV is spread into a healthy person when the individual engages in unprotected sex with an infected partner. Though there are chances that the virus can be transmitted through oral sex, in most cases, the virus gets in the body of a healthy individual through the penis, vagina, vulva and through the mouth when the saliva has infected blood cells. It is, therefore, important to note that HIV is principally transmitted from one individual to another through sexual intercourse. The HIV infection is also transmitted among the intravenous drug users who share the needles employed in injecting the drugs. This is because the contaminated blood is transmitted from one person to the others sharing the syringe, therefore, in case one of the members sharing the syringe is infected, then the virus will eventually be transmitted to the others too (Henderson, 1994). The virus is also easily transmitted from the infected pregnant mothers to the children either during the

Sunday, August 11, 2019

IT & Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

IT & Entrepreneurship - Essay Example s difficulties but with the help of the marketing strategies and research and development team, the website will be able to provide profit and useful information to the people. The business idea is to design a website that would be offering details regarding dentists based in the United Kingdom. The information provided through the website will be useful for the people in order to get transparent idea about the location, price and the features provided by the private and cosmetic dentist. The website will be made with no complexity for the people to operate. The design will be simple and the information will be gathered with single mouse click without much complexity. The website will also ensure that unique experiences are shared by the customers while dealing with it. Apart from this, website will also provide customers with easy and simple navigation. The website will act as a local search engine for the information regarding the dentist both private and cosmetic for the people. The creative idea of the search engine will be that it will provide information about the dentist only and no other information and advertisement will be allowed in the website page. The business model implemented is that the website will act as a search engine. The website will act as an innovative medium of advertisement with transparency for the people. The home page will not only display the web design of the dentists but also show the names of the dentist and their phone number according to the market ranking. The market ranking will be gathered from the past history of dentists, their performance, features provided and the advanced technology used by them. This will assist the interested people to take corrective measures regarding the choice of the dentists. Moreover, the names of the dentist will be categorised as the private and the cosmetic dentist so that the search for the people becomes easier as per their need. By clicking on the names of the dentist the next page will

The four models of corporate governance as outlined by Letza et al Essay

The four models of corporate governance as outlined by Letza et al - Essay Example Letza et al's journal was based on an extensive survey and critical review of the different theories and concepts that exist in corporate governance. Based on this comprehensive study, they identified four main approaches of perceiving corporate governance. This include: 1. Principal/Agent or Finance Model. 2. The Mypoic Market Model 3. Abuse of Executive Power Model and 4. Stakeholder Model Each of these models of corporate governance provide the basis for the perception of the importance and significance of corporate governance in organisations. Although each of them carry different merits, none of them seem to be universally accepted. This paper examines the four models of corporate governance as outlined by Letza et al (2004). The paper will undertake an analysis of the key features of each of the model. The paper will compare and contrast the approaches for each of the models and assess the future survivability of each of the concepts Corporate Governance Corporate governance re fers to the ways that businesses are ran (Johnson, Scholes and Whittington, 2006). Corporate governance is about how the top level managers charged with stewardship roles in the organisation carry out the task of safeguarding assets and meeting the core vision and mission of the organisation. The development of corporate governance has come with several issues and situations that have had important impacts on the relationship between shareholders and strategic leaders of organisations. Major scandals that rocked the corporate world like the Enron matter played a role in facilitating rules and principles that define the corporate governance terrain today (Clarke, 2005). Important components of businesses played various roles in shaping corporate governance rules and regulations. Short Termism V Sustainability Most businesses are faced with a major dilemma of whether they should acquire short term results or work for the development of the longer term interests of the business. In dra wing the balance between shortermism and sustainability, most businesses are concerned with four key things (Aras and Gowther, 2009 p282). These include: 1. Societal impact: That is the impact of the business on the society. 2. Environmental impact: The impact of the business on the natural environment. 3. Organisational culture: The relationship between organisational and internal stakeholders like employees. 4. Finance: The acquisition of adequate returns commensurate with the risks taken. These four important factors play a major role in determining the terrain and activities of the organisation. The major corporate collapses like Enron were attributed to blatant disregard for some key elements of these four components of businesses (Clarke, 2005). Thus, they all played roles in defining the creation of corporate governance rules and systems. Although there is still evidence of shortermism in corporate organisations, there is still some important roles that corporate governance s tandards and roles play in promoting sustainability in business (Eyatt, 2005). Risk Management One of the roles that corporate governance plays is that it helps in the creation of risk management systems to ensure that the board of directors monitor and control risks in organisations (Fraser and Harvey, 2007). â€Å"Company business models should be explained and the board should be responsible for determining the